We are set to change the world through eliminating hunger, poverty, mass illiteracy, gender inequality.
MOHAK Foundation is a mission-driven organisation committed to improving lives and livelihood of the poor and deprived in sustainable ways through the provision and facilitation of quality education.
Featured Project
Being a humanitarian service centre for the less privileged, orphans, destitute and girl child, focusing on free quality education with over 200 kids which she currently caters for at the foundation academy’s temporary site, the organisation is on a mission to provide conducive learning environment that encourages participation and learning.
Going by this, we embarked on a school construction project which aims to reduce the number of Out of School Children by at least 1500 pupils every year.
We are currently on a school construction project which aims to reduce the number of Out of School Children by at least 1500 pupils every year.
The month of September is when we reach out to school pupils by providing them with necessary stationaries and supplies needed to aid their learning.
Fusce suscipit varius euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque ac ullamcorper risus. Morbi lacinia lacinia tempus in hac habitasse platea collaborate with team members dictumst.
Robart Brown
Our Donner
Fusce suscipit varius euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque ac ullamcorper risus. Morbi lacinia lacinia tempus in hac habitasse platea collaborate with team members dictumst.
John Brown
Our Donner